The 7 Best Exercises To Get Bigger Triceps

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Choose Wisely

In life, so many things come down to the decisions we make. Do I want cookie dough ice cream, or chocolate chip peanut butter ice cream? Do I want chicken wings, or nachos?

Thankfully, choosing which triceps exercises to do won’t be so hard because we’ll lay out the best ones for you. We’ll show you how they’re done and why we like them, and to make it easy, we’ve organized them into the equipment needed:








Overhead Cable Triceps Extension

Why we like them:

When you do overhead triceps extensions, the long head of your triceps (the thick part in the back of your arm) is working more, and the overhead cable triceps extension is a great way to do that.

How they’re done:
  1. Set the pulley at the bottom setting
  2. Grab the rope, lift it up over your shoulder and turn so your back is to the pulley
  3. While keeping your upper arms still, extend your arms straight up while flexing your triceps as hard as you can

Cable Cross Triceps Extension

Why we like them:

This is our favorite triceps exercise because no other triceps exercise allows a stronger contraction than this one. Strong contractions = big muscles.

How they’re done:
  1. Set the pulleys at the top setting
  2. Grab the pulley diagonal from each arm
  3. Take a few steps back from the machine
  4. While keeping your shoulders down and elbows back behind your body, extend your elbows, and squeeze your triceps as hard as you can.
Pro tip:

Once you reach failure, step towards the machine. This will make it possible for you to squeeze a few more reps out of your exhausted triceps.

Side note:

Notice how he leans more and more forward through the video. The more forward he leans, the less contraction in the finished position he gets. You’ll want to stay upright in this exercise, although for variation you can lean forward.


Rope Pushdown

Why we like them:

This exercise is the most popular triceps exercise for a reason: it works. Doing triceps exercises with your elbows by your sides emphasizes the lateral head (the part that sticks out to the side). Also, doing the tip suggested in the video works even more.

How they’re done:
  1. Set the pulley to the highest setting
  2. Grab the rope with your palms facing each other
  3. Press the rope down by extending your elbows
Add some variety:

To mix it up, take a few steps back from the machine. You will have to use a lighter weight, but you will get more resistance at the end of the movement.




Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Press

Why we like them:

When you do overhead triceps extensions, the long head of your triceps (the thick part in the back of your arm) is working more, and the dumbbell overhead triceps extension is a great way to do that with minimal equipment.

How they’re done:
  1. Get the dumbbell up on one shoulder
  2. Get your hands in position (as seen in the video)
  3. Press the dumbbell over your head while keep your upper arms still and pointing straight up
Sit or stand?

Personally, we like to sit. We feel more stable when we’re sitting, and feel like we can concentrate more on our triceps.




Close Grip Bench Press

Why we like it:

We like the close grip bench press for two reasons: 1) by keeping your elbows in, it blasts your triceps, and 2) it’s a compound movement that also works your shoulders and chest.

How it’s done:
  1. Get a shoulder width grip on the bar
  2. Lower the weight slowly while keeping your elbows tucked in
  3. Press the bar up, squeezing your triceps and keeping your elbows tucked in




Close Grip Pushup

Why we like them:

Just like the close grip bench press, this pushup blasts your triceps by keeping your elbows tucked in close to your body.

How they’re done:
  1. On the ground, set your hands about shoulder width apart.
  2. As you push up, keep your elbows tucked close to your body and flex your triceps.
Pro tip:

Try the close grip pushup after a set of rope pushdowns or dumbbell overhead presses. Your triceps will be on fire, but not as hot as the women you’ll pull.



Why we like them:

Along with wrecking your triceps, dips work out your chest and shoulders. Since this can be done with just your body weight, all you need is two chairs or a set of parallel bars to do this exercise.

How they’re done:
  1. Grab parallel bars about shoulder width apart
  2. Lower yourself slowly to a comfortable stretch, while keeping your elbows tucked in close to your body
  3. Slowly press yourself up, while squeezing your triceps and keeping your elbows tucked in
Pro tip:

After you’ve done as many dips as you can, hop up on the bar and do 3-4 negative only dips to really work your muscles.


Give them a tri

Go workout and see for yourself which of these are your favorite, and then check out the 9 Best Biceps Exercises guide to make sure you’re choosing the best biceps exercises, too.

Happy lifting!